Program for Formal Opening of Music Center



Program for Formal Opening of Music Center


A program for the formal opening of the New Music Center of the Edith McIntosh School of Music, which describes the history and mission of the music school, as well as the design of the building. One of the architects listed, L.C. Dillenback, professor of architectural design at Syracuse University, is Edith's brother-in-law. The consultant-supervisor listed, Alexander McIntosh, is Edith's father.




Edith McIntosh


The Music Center Scrapbook. Private Collection.


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Spatial Coverage

Rockville Centre, NY


48 Hillside Avenue Rockville Centre, Long Island
Formal Opening Sunday, January Twelfth Nineteen Hundred Thirty-six THE planning and construction of a building for the Edith McIntosh School of Music is a nat-ural development in a program which had its beginning more than fifteen years ago. In 1920 Miss Edith F. McIntosh, founder of the School, opened her Studio for instruction in music in Rockville Centre. It was her belief, shared by sympathetic and cooperative music lovers, that there was a place on Long Island for a School of Music to offer the type of curriculum and of facilities to be found otherwise only in the endowed conservatories and institutes in the larger cities of this country and Europe. The School expanded. Enrollment steadily increased, with students coming from many Long Island towns. As-sistant teachers were added. Additional courses were pro-vided. The aim became twofold: first, to provide a well-rounded musical education, to include, in addition to mas-tery of a musical instrument, instruction in musical his-tory, theory, and general musicianship, and experience in ensemble and in recital playing; second, to provide a center for those who wished to broaden and to deepen their ap-preciation of musical art. As the School outgrew its facilities and the need for physical expansion became pressing, it was apparent that a distinct type of building was required. The architect's planning was with the aims, inspirations and future de-velopment of the School in mind. We believe that the build-ing is a unique achievement and that there are few com-parable buildings anywhere. The modified classic design was chosen to express the dignity of a Music Center as well as the restful informality of the studio. The quiet, white-painted brick exterior with its wide, green-shuttered windows suggests an Early Amer-ican mansion but gives no hint of the spaciousness of the three-storied interior. Within are the ample and adequate-ly equipped foyer, waiting rooms, teaching rooms, study, dressing rooms and cloak rooms. Opening from the foyer
and extending the entire width of the building, with an elevated platform at one end and a fireplace at the other, is the hall to be devoted to recitals and other gatherings. One hundred and fifty persons can be comfortably accom_ modated. Directly below the recital hall and of equal floor, area is the general class room. All rooms are acoustically treated. They are completely air-conditioned by the most modern of systems, providing humidification, filtration and air circulation, as well as heat. Built-in units with pris-matic lenses provide a unified distribution of diffused light in the large rooms; indirect lighting fixtures in the smaller rooms.
The Edith McIntosh School of Music is happy to ex-tend full credit to those whose planning and careful work-manship have brought the building to a successful com-pletion.
ARCHITECT D. K. Sargent of Syracuse, New York, in collaboration with L. C. Dillenback, Professor of Architectural Design, Syracuse University
GENERAL CONTRACTOR D. Gerard DeMott Corporation, 492 Morris Avenue, Rockville Centre R. Baldauf, Superintendent of Construction Rosedale, Long Island
CONSULTANT-SUPERVISOR Alexander McIntosh, Rockville Centre
General Electric Air-Conditioning

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Edith McIntosh, “Program for Formal Opening of Music Center,” Edith McIntosh School of Music Digital Scrapbook: A Community History Project, accessed September 8, 2024,