Newspaper Clippings



Newspaper Clippings


Newspaper clippings, "A Unique Achievement," "400 Visitors Inspect Studios At Rockville: Edith McIntosh Opens New Building to the Public," "New Music Building Opened," "Building Recently Completed In Rockville Centre," (with photograph) and two newspaper versions of invitations to visit the new music school building.






The Music Center Scrapbook. Private Collection.


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Rockville Centre, NY


A Colonial style structure which was built for the Edith McIntosh School of Music at 48 Hillside avenue, Rockville Centre, L. I.
The members of the Faculty of the Edith McIntosh School of Music will receive their friends at the newly completed MUSIC CENTER 48 Hillside Avenue Rockville Centre, Long Island Sunday afternoon, January twelfth from four to six o'clock All who are interested in the School and its work are cordially invited.
The Members of the Faculty of the EDITH McINTOSH SCHOOL of MUSIC will receive their friends at the newly completed MUSIC CENTER 48 Hillside Avenue Rockville Centre, Long Island Sunday afternoon, January twelfth from four to six o'clock All who are interested in the School and its work are cordially invited
Edith McIntosh Opens New Building To Public Close to 400 visitors inspected the new music center on Hillside avenue, Rockville Centre. Sunday afternoon, at its formal opening. The building was erected by the Edith McIntosh studios. It is the first of its kind on Long Island. Guests were ushered through the varipus detartments by the adult, students of the school and were later shown to the large class room on the lower floor where refreshments were served. Mrs. James E. Stiles and Mrs. Helen C. Balcom presided at the tea table, And young students assisted in wait-ing on the visitors. Among these juniors were Ursula Levermore, Beatrice Colley, June Carl-son, Lois Bannerman, Elena Hanlon, Betty Mauer. Edla Louise BeaId. Jean VanShute and Joan LeCompte. Also, Emerson Hoyt, Leonard and Billy Calvert, John Quinn. John Cor-with. Milton Hebbard and Melville Geisler. Miss McIntosh received her guests in the large recital hall. and members of the school faculty assisted.
New Music Building Opened A new building to house the Edith McIntosh School of Music was opened at 48 Hillside Avenue, Rockville Cen-tre,..L. I.. last Sunday. The structure was designed In the style of nn early American dwelling, three stories in height. It includes a large recital hall and a general class room of equal area. each with capacity for 150 per-sons. There are also a foyer, waiting rooms, teaching rooms, study, iire.,8- ing rooms and cloak rooms. D. K. Sargent of Syracuse, in collaboration with L. C. Dillenback, professor or Architectural Design, Syracuse Uni-versity, designed the building.
THE Music Center opened by the Edith McIntosh School of Music at 48 Hill-side avenue, Rockville Centre, is a new idea skilfully worked out. Housed in an attractive building designed by eminent architects and tastefully fur-nished throughout, the McIntosh studios, which have had a place in the life of the village for the last 15 years, now become one of its most distinguished institutions. The modest appointments of the rooms have been given the impression of luxury through the use of good taste in furnish-ings and decorations. Prof. L. C. Dillen-back of Syracuse University, who collabor-ated in planning the building, has given it an air of unsual distinctiveness by the thoroughness with which it is laid out. It seems to anticipate every condition or need that might arise in connection with the systematic operation of a conservatory of music, which may be used at one period of 'he day for instruction in many rooms, later he the scene of a recital and at another time accommodate a banquet, dance or re-ception. While the building was erected in an amazingly short period, the idea has .'volved from many years of experience and two continents have been gleaned to prp-vide the simple decorations that have been used to make it a symbol of culture and the fine arts. Miss McIntosh, who has brought many artists of note to the village in the past, is to be congratulated upon her new achieve-ment. It should be the scene of many de-lightful musicales and the source of in-spiration for the development of the talents of its pupils.

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unknown, “Newspaper Clippings,” Edith McIntosh School of Music Digital Scrapbook: A Community History Project, accessed September 8, 2024,