Newspaper Clippings



Newspaper Clippings


Three newspaper clippings, "Students Appear in Recital," "Senior Students To Give Recital At Music Center" and "Recital Is Given For Graduates, Annual Program Staged In The School Of Music In Rockville."





Jean Colley Scrapbook. The Phillips House Museum, Rockville Centre, NY.


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Rockville Centre, NY


Senior Students To Give Recital At Music Center The annual recital and reception for senior high school students will be held at The Edith McIntosh School of Music Sunday afternoon, June 22, at 3:30 o'clock at the Music Center, 48 Hillside avenue, Rockville Centre. The program will be presented by five students of South Side, Malverne and Lyn-brook high schools and Joan Long-ley, also of South Side, a private pupil of Miss Irma Harter before she joined the staff of the McIntosh School. They are all pianists with the exception of William Calvert :who plays both piano and organ. The group is a most unusual one in that they are all honor students in the various high schools and have done outstanding work in their music and in their extra cur-ricular activities. They are all members of the National Honor, all taking active part in the various clubs of the schools and in athletic activities. William Calvert and Thomas Em-fberton are outstanding mathemati-cians in Nassau County; Ruth Hin-ners and Joan Longley gave indivi-'dual piano recitals during the past season; Nina Meyer and William Calvert have been on the staff of the year book in their respective schools, Calvert being editor-in-chief; Jean Phillips and Nina iMey-er sing as well as play and have taken active parts in the chorus work in their schools. '
Students Appear in Recital
Participants in the annual recital and recep-tion for senior high school students ptesented Sunday afternoon by the Edith McIntosh School of Music at the Music Center, Rockville
Centre, are shown above. Standing, are.-Thomas Emberton, left, and William Calvert. Seated, left to right, are Ruth Hinners, Nina Meyer, and Jean Phillips. Judd Photo
Annual Program Staged In The School Of Music At Rockville
The annual recital and recep-tion for senior high school students was held yesterday afternoon at the Edith McIntosh School of Music at The Music Center, Hill-side avenue, Rockville Centre. Five students of South Side, Malverne and Lynbrook High schools par-ticipated. The program opened with Bach's "Ave Maria" arranged by Gounod and played by Jean Phillips, Ruth Hinners, Nina Meyer and Thomas Emberton at the piano and William Calvert at the organ. Chopin's "Nocturne in F Minor" was given next by William Calvert, followed by a Bach-Howe due, "Sheep May Safely Graze" by Joan Longley and Ruth Hinners. Prior to Ruth Hinners's.playing of Liszt's "Etude de Concert in D Flat" and Chopin's "Ballade in G Minor," William Calvert offered two selections on the organ, Bach's "Prelude in Fugue in G Minor" and Mendelssohn's "Sonato No. 4" Andante Religioso, and Allegretto. Other compositions heard were "Romance," "Playera," and Noc-turne by Schumann, Granados, and Grieg, played by Thomas Ember-ton; Philipp's "Will o' the Wisp" and Schumann's "Soaring" by John Longley; Brahms's "Intermezzo, op. 119, No. 3, C minor" and Chopin's "Etudes" Nos. 3 and 5 by Nina Meyer, and a duet selection by Bizet and arranged by Rogues which was played by Ruth Hin-ners and William Calvert. The final selection heard was "Allegro Affettuso—Concerto in A Minor" by Schumann given by Ruth Hinners with Nina Meyer at the second piano and William Cal-vert at the organ.

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unknown, “Newspaper Clippings,” Edith McIntosh School of Music Digital Scrapbook: A Community History Project, accessed May 9, 2024,