Pamphlet for The Jeanne Shibley Studio of Dance "Teacher's Course"



Pamphlet for The Jeanne Shibley Studio of Dance "Teacher's Course"


A pamphlet called "A New Career For You!" advertising the Jeanne Shibley Studio of Dance "Teacher's Course" designed for young girls and women looking for a new career.


1937 circa


Jeanne Shibley


The Music Center Scrapbook. Private Collection.


May be subject to copyright restrictions.







Spatial Coverage

Rockville Centre, NY


A New Career For You! The Jeanne Shibley Studio of Dance Teacher's Course Designed for young girls and women looking for a new career. AT a time when it has become increasingly difficult for the high school and the college graduate to find employment in any chosen field, the teaching of dancing remains one of the few professions where need exceeds supply. THE impetus dancing has received during the past decade in the transition from a social accomplishment to a social necessity has created demand among both young and old for competent instruction.
AMONG all classes of social or ballroom dancers, from the be-ginner to the accomplished, the trend is steadily toward a stand-ardization of basic steps in common social dances such as the Fox-trot and Waltz. PERSONAL interpretations, while they may progress from the ridiculous to the sublime, are giving way to essentially patterned styles, and personal embellishments proceed from there. This fact is completely due to the increase of instruction. THROUGHOUT the country the value of such forms of dancing as ballet tap and modern are being accepted not only as pro-fessions but as necessary adjuncts to a child's education. THE dance has become the medium by which poise, grace and muscular adaptation are best taught. It is realized that an edu-cation in dancing produces by-products as important as dancing. ADD to these fields "Remedial Dancing" for physical crippling, a field in which instructors are badly needed. A fact established through a recent survey made by THE JEANNE SHIBLEY STUDIO OF DANCE.
AS a pioneer in Remedial Dancing, in connection with Miss Carol Phillips of the House of St. Giles in Garden City, this course for instructors is offered, AND FOR YOU, a NEW CAREER. THE graduate of the JEANNE SHIBLEY STUDIO OF DANCE will be more than a mere instructor. She will be prepared to teach, a word which, in it's most accurate sense; implies an understanding and sympathy towards both the pupil and the subject. Since this must always remain the ideal of this teacher's course, subjects such as Physiology and Kinesiology, Child Psychology and a Methods class are included in the cur-riculum. While they are not necessarily akin to dancing, they are always indispensible to teaching. FINALLY it is our sincere belief that the course offered for instructors goes beyond a career. We feel that it fills the essential requirements of an educational program, a more com-plete ability to understand, a better balanced outlook and a chance for a happy life.
THE COURSE (34 weeks - commencing September 15th)
Hours BALLET: Instruction includes Elementary Classic ballet technique of Italian-Russian Schools. Graded technique will be stressed and a complete knowledge of French terms used. . 102
TAP: Foundation technique

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Jeanne Shibley, “Pamphlet for The Jeanne Shibley Studio of Dance "Teacher's Course",” Edith McIntosh School of Music Digital Scrapbook: A Community History Project, accessed May 9, 2024,