Jean Emberton Interview Clip 02
Jean Emberton Interview Clip 02
Miss McIntosh's proper personality and secret nickname among the children, Tosh.
Jean Emberton McAvoy
Pamela Kostelec
Alyse Hennig
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Rockville Centre, NY
J: We called her Tosh.
A: Now, I am very curious about this. Who called her Tosh? Did everyone?
J: All of us.
A: All of you?
P: Just the kids though.
A: Just the kids.
P: Not the adults.
J: When we were speaking about her...
P: You didn’t call her Tosh to her face, did you?
J: No.
A: Oh, ok.
J: She was Miss McIntosh.
A: [Laughs] Miss McIntosh.
J: Yes, Miss McIntosh.
A: But just among you kids, you would call her Tosh.
J: Yes.
A: That’s really cute, I like that nickname. And what did you think of Miss McIntosh?
J: Of her herself?
A: Mm, hmm.
J: She was very proper. She dressed proper. She was a dignified, elegant lady. And she was just very good, a very nice person, but she was a very strict person about her music. And, it was… She had a relationship with my father because they both came from Scotland, and were there at the same time. And my dad and her used to talk about being back in Scotland all of the time, and they enjoyed speaking with each other. Miss McIntosh was a very proper lady, but a very nice lady.
A: Now, I am very curious about this. Who called her Tosh? Did everyone?
J: All of us.
A: All of you?
P: Just the kids though.
A: Just the kids.
P: Not the adults.
J: When we were speaking about her...
P: You didn’t call her Tosh to her face, did you?
J: No.
A: Oh, ok.
J: She was Miss McIntosh.
A: [Laughs] Miss McIntosh.
J: Yes, Miss McIntosh.
A: But just among you kids, you would call her Tosh.
J: Yes.
A: That’s really cute, I like that nickname. And what did you think of Miss McIntosh?
J: Of her herself?
A: Mm, hmm.
J: She was very proper. She dressed proper. She was a dignified, elegant lady. And she was just very good, a very nice person, but she was a very strict person about her music. And, it was… She had a relationship with my father because they both came from Scotland, and were there at the same time. And my dad and her used to talk about being back in Scotland all of the time, and they enjoyed speaking with each other. Miss McIntosh was a very proper lady, but a very nice lady.
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Jean Emberton McAvoy and Pamela Kostelec, “Jean Emberton Interview Clip 02,” Edith McIntosh School of Music Digital Scrapbook: A Community History Project, accessed September 8, 2024,